How to Put a Car in Neutral without a Key | 7 Ways to Apply

Do you need to know how to put a car in neutral without a key? It may seem like an impossible task, but it can be done. This article will discuss seven ways to keep your car neutral without a key. When you are finished reading, you will have all the information necessary to help you get your vehicle back into gear. We’ve covered you, from simple jimmying techniques to more complicated options!

How to Put a Car in Neutral without a Key

How to Put a Car in Neutral without a Key

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your car key is missing or broken, and you need to push or tow the vehicle? Putting the car in neutral without a key might seem impossible, but you can do it in several ways. Check out some of these ways.

Release the Steering Lock

The first method is to release the steering lock. To do this, find the hole in your steering wheel column and push a slim metal rod or small screwdriver into it. This will cause resistance as you push it further down, but keep going until you hear an audible click. This means the steering wheel lock has been released, and you can turn your wheel easily. Once it’s unlocked, turn your wheel slightly to one side and then back again so that the gears disengage from one another. Now your car should be in neutral mode and ready for pushing or rolling away!

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Push to Start Button

This process involves pushing the start button while applying pressure to the brakes and gear shift. To start:

  • Locate your brake pedal and transmission lever.
  • Once found, press firmly on both using your foot and hand, respectively.
  • Press the ignition button briefly until the vehicle turns off completely (you should hear a beep).
    The car is now neutral – meaning you can easily roll it away!

It’s important to note that this method works best for vehicles with push-button starts; if yours does not have one, this will unfortunately not work for you.

Tow Bar Trick

The Tow Bar Trick is a great way to put your car into neutral without needing a key. This method is simple and can be done in just a few steps. First, you must have the right equipment, such as a tow bar and safety chains. You’ll also need some rope or cable to tie off the tow bar once it’s hooked up.

Once you have everything ready, it’s time to get started! Hook up one end of the tow bar onto the car and ensure it’s secure before tying off the other end with rope or cable. Once that’s done, use your foot to press down on the brakes while pulling back slightly on the steering wheel until your car is in neutral. Now, release your foot from the brakes and quickly remove both ends of the tow bar from your vehicle.

The following video shows how to use a Tow Bar on any vehicle. This also contains why it works and why towing a vehicle will not crash and burn.

Emergency Brake

The emergency brake method is quite simple:

  • Ensure your car is completely shut off, and secure the parking brake handle by pushing it down firmly until it locks into place. Make sure the handle is held tight; if necessary, use a piece of rope or wire to hold it in place securely.
  • Release the shifter from the park so it can move freely into any other gear position without being stuck in park mode.
  • Carefully shift the lever into neutral and release the emergency brake before trying to start your vehicle.
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Floor Jack Trick

This method involves jacking up the vehicle so the wheels are off the ground and then shifting it into neutral. Here’s how to do it:

Start by checking the front wheels on both sides with something sturdy, like wood or brick, to prevent movement while jacking. Then, place your floor jack underneath the car and lift until the rear tires are just off the ground. Move your foot firmly on the brake and your hand on the shifter into neutral. Once you feel that shift, lower your floor jack until all four tires touch down again, and release your emergency brake before taking off. The car should now be in neutral without needing a key!

How to Put a Car in Neutral without a Key
How to Put a Car in Neutral without a Key

Drill Out the Lock Cylinder

Drilling out the lock cylinder is one of the most difficult ways to put a car in neutral without a key. This method should be used as a last resort, but it does work.
To do this, first, locate the lock cylinder in your steering column or door and use an electric drill with a bit slightly larger than the size of the cylinder itself. Then carefully drill into the centre of the cylinder until it comes apart, and remove any debris left behind from drilling. Once done, you can manually shift your car into neutral easily. Wear protective gear such as goggles and gloves while completing this task!

How to Put a Car in Neutral without a Key

Bypass Ignition Cylinder

This method involves removing the plastic cover of your steering column and the upper and lower steering column screws. You will also require an ignition key inserted into the ignition cylinder to release it from its housing. Once released, use a screwdriver or other tool to turn the shaft counterclockwise until it reaches a neutral position. Finally, replace all components removed earlier and securely put them firmly back into place before attempting further steps. With these instructions in mind, you should be able to put your car in neutral without a key!

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I hope this guide, “How to Put a Car in Neutral without a Key” helps you a lot. It is important to remember to keep your hand on the brakes at all times, which will ensure that the car does not move when in neutral. Check your car’s manual for any additional safety precautions that must be taken. These tips and tricks let you keep your car neutral even if you have lost or misplaced your key.

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Can I push a car in neutral?

Yes, you can push a car in neutral. This is especially useful if the car has a dead battery or won’t start for another reason.

Do brakes work in neutral?

No, the brakes do not work in neutral. When a vehicle is neutral, the transmission is disconnected from the engine and the wheels. This means the brakes are also disconnected, so they cannot slow down or stop the vehicle.

Why won’t my car move in neutral?

There are several possible reasons why your car won’t move in neutral.
• The first and most common cause is a transmission issue.
• Another potential reason could be related to the brakes.
• Other than that, there may be an issue with one of the engine components, such as a faulty spark plug or worn timing belt.