How to Unplug the TCC Solenoid | 5 Ways Explained by Expert

If you’re experiencing transmission problems with your vehicle, it might be due to a faulty TCC solenoid. The Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid regulates the flow of hydraulic fluid between the torque converter and transmission. When this component malfunctions, it can cause shifting issues, stalling, or even total transmission failure.

When you’re in a situation where you need to clarify how to unplug the TCC solenoid, Learning how to get to this part of your car can come in handy for emergency repairs, so be sure to check out our guide below.

How to Unplug the TCC Solenoid

Before starting any repairs, it’s essential to disconnect the battery cables to prevent electrical shock or accidental deployment of airbags. Next, locate the TCC solenoid on your vehicle’s transmission case. Depending on your car model and year, this could be in a different position; however, most are located near the valve body or in the oil pan area.

How to Unplug the TCC Solenoid | 5 Ways Explained by Expert

If you are describing the pork solenoid, you should use these instructions:

  • Unplug the battery and remove the air cleaner lid. It disables the car’s engine from using unintended functions while you’re putting it back together.
  • Press down the cabin air filter and lift the universal terminal connectors from the element box.
  • To eliminate dirt from one’s floor, use a rag connected to the TCC device or the vacuum line.
  • Gently allow the TCC Solenoid to rise and to the side.
  • Inspect the vacuum cleaner’s hoses to ensure none of them are broken. Use a multimeter or a test instrument to do this.

It’s important to note that if a vacuum line isn’t listed, it’s not contributing to the TCC Solenoid failure. Start by unplugging the TCC solenoid connector to locate the leaking vacuum line. By doing this, you’ll ensure that any electrical problems aren’t masking the root cause of your issue. Once you’ve done this, follow these steps:

  •  Inspect all of the lines coming off of your intake manifold.
  •  Check for cracks or breaks in each hose.
  •  Look for disconnected or loose hoses.
  • Examine each hose clamp to ensure they’re secure and tight.
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Some Other Ways to Unplug TCC Solenoid

If you are experiencing problems with your car’s transmission, specifically the TCC solenoid, you may need to unplug it. Unplugging the TCC solenoid can be tricky, but a few ways don’t involve taking apart your car’s transmission.

How to Unplug the TCC Solenoid | 5 Ways Explained by Expert
How to Unplug the TCC Solenoid | 5 Ways Explained by Expert

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Way 1

The transmission control module (TCM) uses the torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid to regulate torque converter lockup. The TCC solenoid can fail for several reasons, leading to various transmission issues. If your vehicle’s check engine light illuminates and you suspect the TCC solenoid is misfiring, unplugging it may help diagnose the problem. 

However, proper tools and techniques are essential when unplugging the TCC solenoid. Using a scan tool is one of the most efficient ways to unplug a TCC solenoid. A scan tool allows you to access the TCM’s diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), which provide valuable information about any detected faults in your vehicle’s system.

Way 2

When it comes time to remove the TCC solenoid from your vehicle’s engine, it is important to do so carefully and methodically. Start by locating the four bolts that hold the Solenoid in place, typically on the side of the transmission or engine block. Once you have identified these bolts, use a wrench or socket set to loosen them and remove them one at a time.

With all four bolts removed, you should be able to gently pull the TCC solenoid away from its mounting point without disturbing any other components or wiring. Keep track of all screws and bolts as you work, as they are small and can easily get lost if not properly managed.

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Way 3

Before you start, make sure you have a jumper wire handy. This wire will help you connect two wires and ensure a smooth disconnection. To begin, locate the TCC solenoid on your vehicle’s transmission. It should be located near the fluid pan or valve body. Once you have found it, unplug the Solenoid’s connector and ignition. Then, take your jumper wire and tape one end to the back of the connector wire for the TCC solenoid.

Carefully stick the taped end of your jumper wire into the pin slot between both pins on the TCC solenoid. Once it is secure, gently pull on one of the wires until they are disconnected. Locate the connector that plugs into the TCC solenoid. It is usually found on top of or near the transmission.

Once you have located the connector, make sure that you turn off your car’s ignition before attempting to unplug it. You will prevent any damage or electrical shock from occurring during the process. Next, turn your steering wheel until you feel resistance from the TCC solenoid. Keep turning until you hear a click sound, which indicates that the TCC solenoid has been closed. You should now be able to unplug it safely without any further issues.

Way 4

Check your service manual to identify the location of the Solenoid and its function within your vehicle system. Once you’ve located the TCC solenoid, it’s time to inspect the wiring harness and connectors for any signs of wear or damage. You’ll want to take a closer look at the electrical terminals of the Solenoid itself. If there are any signs of damage or corrosion, it may be time to replace the entire component with a fresh one to avoid further problems. 

If your vehicle is equipped with quick-disconnect terminals, it’s important to follow the push-in procedure when connecting the connector to the solenoid terminal. It is because quick-disconnect terminals are designed to be easy and convenient to use, but they can also be prone to loosening or even falling off if not properly secured. Following the push-in procedure ensures a secure connection that will stay in place.

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Make sure that you have identified the correct solenoid terminal for your vehicle. It can usually be found in your vehicle’s owner’s manual or through an online search. Once you have located the correct terminal, gently push the connector onto it until you feel a click or snap into place. Be careful not to force it on too hard, as this can damage the connector and terminal. Inspecting your connectors and terminals regularly for signs of wear or damage is also important.

Way 5 

Open the solenoid holder case and carefully remove the Solenoid springs. Once you’ve done that, you can pull the Solenoid off of its base, taking care not to jostle or twist any of its components. Now that you’ve successfully disassembled the solenoid holder, it’s time to remove the compression springs so you can access and change out the valves. 

To do this, loosen any screws near the valve and remove it from its housing. With that done, you can also take out the isinglass seat. Once these pieces have been removed from your Solenoid holder, it’s time to slide in new valves carefully.


If your TCC solenoid is not working, and you want to know how to unplug the TCC Solenoid so there are a few things you can do to unplug it. Use a voltage probe to verify the voltage at the solenoid terminals. If the voltage exceeds the required threshold, the Solenoid may be defective and must be replaced. If the voltage is within the required range, but the Solenoid still does not work, it may be due to a bad connection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the symptoms of a solenoid problem?

A solenoid problem can cause a vehicle to not move or to move very slowly. Other symptoms may include a clicking or grinding noise and a loss of power. In some cases, the Solenoid may even burst.

What is the purpose of the TCC solenoid?

The purpose of the TCC solenoid is to control the engine’s timing.